Arizona Solar Tax Credit & Incentive Guide for 2022
Occasionally we get asked about what happens to a solar loan if you die. Is the estate still liable for the remainder of the contract?
Occasionally we get asked about what happens to a solar loan if you die. Is the estate still liable for the remainder of the contract?
By using the utility company’s energy and replenishing your battery during the affordable off-peak hours, you overcome the reduced solar system production after sunset and avoid the utility company’s high pricing during this period. Rather than paying steep rates when you require energy the most, you can benefit from the convenience of utilizing surplus energy stored in your storage system.
By utilizing solar power and storage, your solar panels will generate energy throughout the day and provide your home with the necessary power as per its real-time requirements. Nevertheless, your solar panels typically generate more energy during the day than your home consumes. You will have the advantage of diverting the surplus energy to your storage system for future use.
Comparing your solar options when coupling your solar system with a no backup, partial backup, and whole home backup storage option can save you more under the new NEM 3.0 regulations!