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When everyone’s out,
you stay on.

Going Solar? You’ll Want To Connect With Us.
You’re In Control. Our Home Battery Backups
Help You Gain Independence From
Unprecedented Power Brownouts And Rolling Blackouts.

Why More Homeowners go solar?

We Help you to unlock renewable energy benefits

Save On
Your Energy Bill

California residential electricity rates have increased 29% more than the national average. This is mostly because of high time of use (TOU) rates. With solar, you can get a system to accommodate for hotter months. If you install batteries, you avoid using electricity on the grid. This means you will likely just have a minimum utility payment.

Be Prepared
For Outages

Your utility may schedule outages to conserve energy. As the weather warms up, they may become more frequent. In the event of an unplanned or planned power outage, you won’t be left in the dark. As long as you have batteries, you will continue to have power.

Your Home’s Value

Many go solar for potential home equity. Real estate studies have found that 36% of homeowners saw an average 17% increase when selling their home.* The average California home is worth $618,016, a 9.8% value increase over the past year. Keep up with the market by adding panels.

The Environment

California is full of beautiful beaches, parks, and forests. By reducing your carbon footprint you help protect the state’s natural beauty. Installing solar to your home is one major way you can do your part in cutting harmful greenhouse gas emissions, such as CO2 from your environment.

What You Pay

Many go solar for potential home equity. Real estate studies have found that 36% of homeowners saw an average 17% increase when selling their home.* The average California home is worth $618,016, a 9.8% value increase over the past year. Keep up with the market by adding panels!

Our exclusive Homeowners'

projects site

Did you know
solar can save you
up to $50,000
on electricity costs
over 25 years?
Click below to calculate your savings.
Powersmith Solar
Najwa Kouri
Anthony Ruiz
John & Steve
Brian & Steve
Your Solar Journey Starts With Us!
Welcome to Powersmith Solar

Your solar roadmap

At Powersmith, the process is straightforward:
We obtain your utility bill information to create a personalized savings proposal for your home. Subsequently, we arrange a consultation to discuss the best money-saving options for you.

Round Up Your Electricity Bill

Check Up Your Proposal

Pick The Best Deal

Get Started

Why Solar + Battery

On Peak

By using the utility company's energy and replenishing your battery during the affordable off-peak hours, you overcome the reduced solar system production after sunset and avoid the utility company's high pricing during this period.


Rather than paying steep rates when you require energy the most, you can benefit from the convenience of utilizing surplus energy stored in your storage system.

Why Solar + Battery

Off Peak

By utilizing solar power and storage, your solar panels will generate energy throughout the day and provide your home with the necessary power as per its real-time requirements.

Nevertheless, your solar panels typically generate more energy during the day than your home consumes. You will have the advantage of diverting the surplus energy to your storage system for future use.

Why Solar + Battery

Saving with NEM Arbitrage Battery vs Solar Alone

Comparing your solar options when coupling your solar system with a no backup, partial backup, and whole home backup storage option can save you more under the new NEM 3.0 regulations!

Why Solar + Battery

On Peak

By using the utility company's energy and replenishing your battery during the affordable off-peak hours, you overcome the reduced solar system production after sunset and avoid the utility company's high pricing during this period.

Rather than paying steep rates when you require energy the most, you can benefit from the convenience of utilizing surplus energy stored in your storage system.
Off Peak

By utilizing solar power and storage, your solar panels will generate energy throughout the day and provide your home with the necessary power as per its real-time requirements.

Nevertheless, your solar panels typically generate more energy during the day than your home consumes. You will have the advantage of diverting the surplus energy to your storage system for future use.
Savings with NEM Arbitrage Battery
vs Solar Alone

Comparing your solar options when coupling your solar system with a no backup, partial backup, and whole home backup storage option can save you more under the new NEM 3.0 regulations!

Things you should know before going solar

Our Install Partners Provide
All-Weather Performing Solar Panels

Going solar is a big decision.
Although there are many factors you should consider, local weather shouldn’t be a deterrent.
Solar panels are designed to work... even under snow and clouds!

States served by Powersmith

Did you know
solar can save you
up to $50,000
on electricity costs
over 25 years?
Click below to calculate your savings.
States served by Powersmith